home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "stdafx.h"
- //#include <atlstr.h>
- //#include <shellapi.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <comdef.h>
- #include <atlbase.h>
- #include <atlcom.h>
- #include <objbase.h>
- #include <wininet.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <string>
- #define VERSION ""
- #define DMS_POLL_DELAY 100
- #define DMS_POLL_TIMEOUT 60000
- enum OpType {
- OP_ONE=0, OP_SEL=1, OP_ALL=2,
- OP_QET=3,
- typedef struct _LinkInfo
- {
- bstr_t url;
- bstr_t comment;
- bstr_t cookie;
- bstr_t postdata;
- } LinkInfo;
- #define EXTRAS_COUNT 5
- typedef struct _DownloadInfo
- {
- char *dmName;
- OpType opType;
- bstr_t folder;
- bstr_t *rawParms;
- bstr_t referer;
- LinkInfo *links;
- int linksCount;
- bstr_t *extras;
- } DownloadInfo;
- void fail(char *msg, int code);
- class CookieManager
- {
- private:
- const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo;
- public:
- CookieManager() : downloadInfo(NULL) {}
- CookieManager(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo) : downloadInfo(downloadInfo)
- {
- int hoursToLive = atoi(downloadInfo->extras[4]);
- setAll(downloadInfo, 3600 * (hoursToLive == 0 ? 1 : hoursToLive));
- }
- static void makeExpiration(char *expiration, size_t buflen, int offset)
- {
- time_t now;
- time(&now);
- now += offset;
- tm mytm;
- if(gmtime_s(&mytm, &now) == 0)
- strftime(expiration, buflen,
- "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT", &mytm);
- }
- static void setCookie(const bstr_t *url, const bstr_t *cookie, char *expiration) {
- int cookieLen;
- if(cookie && (cookieLen = cookie->length()))
- {
- char *lpszUrl = *url;
- size_t buflen = cookieLen + 16 + strlen(expiration);
- char *lpszCookie = new char[buflen];
- BOOL ok;
- for(char *nextPiece, *cookiePiece = strtok_s(*cookie, "; ", &nextPiece);
- cookiePiece != NULL; cookiePiece = strtok_s(NULL, "; ", &nextPiece))
- {
- if (cookiePiece[0] && sprintf_s(lpszCookie, buflen, "%s; expires = %s", cookiePiece, expiration) > 0)
- ok = InternetSetCookie(lpszUrl, NULL, lpszCookie);
- }
- delete [] lpszCookie;
- }
- }
- static void setAll(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo, long offsetExpiration)
- {
- char expiration[64];
- makeExpiration(expiration,64,offsetExpiration);
- LinkInfo *links=downloadInfo->links;
- for(int j=downloadInfo->linksCount; j-->0;)
- {
- LinkInfo l=links[j];
- setCookie(&l.url,&l.cookie,expiration);
- }
- }
- };
- class FGArray
- {
- private:
- VARIANT varStr,array;
- int elemCount;
- long ix[1];
- void init(int elemCount)
- {
- this->psa=createSafeArray(elemCount);
- this->elemCount=elemCount;
- ix[0]=0;
- varStr.vt=VT_BSTR;
- }
- public:
- static SAFEARRAY *createSafeArray(int elemCount)
- {
- SAFEARRAYBOUND bounds [1];
- bounds[0].cElements=elemCount;
- bounds[0].lLbound=0;
- return SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, bounds);
- }
- FGArray(int elemCount)
- {
- init(elemCount);
- }
- FGArray(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo)
- {
- init(downloadInfo->linksCount * 2 + 1); // linksCount * 2 (url,info)
- addString(downloadInfo->referer);
- addLinks(downloadInfo);
- }
- void addLinks(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo) {
- LinkInfo *links=downloadInfo->links;
- for (int j=0, linksCount=downloadInfo->linksCount; j < linksCount ; j++)
- {
- LinkInfo l=links[j];
- addString(l.url);
- addString(l.comment);
- }
- }
- BOOL addString(bstr_t s)
- {
- if(ix[0]<elemCount)
- {
- varStr.bstrVal=s;
- SafeArrayPutElement(psa, ix, &varStr);
- ix[0]++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL putString(int idx, bstr_t s)
- {
- setIdx(idx);
- return addString(s);
- }
- void setIdx(int idx)
- {
- ix[0]=idx;
- }
- VARIANT *asVariant(VARIANT *array)
- {
- array->vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF; // VBScript Array
- array->pparray=&psa;
- return array;
- }
- VARIANT *asVariant()
- {
- return asVariant(&this->array);
- }
- ~FGArray()
- {
- SafeArrayDestroy(psa);
- }
- };
- class FGCOMGuard
- {
- private:
- static FGCOMGuard *instance;
- static int refCount;
- FGCOMGuard()
- {
- CoInitialize(NULL);
- }
- ~FGCOMGuard()
- {
- CoUninitialize();
- }
- public:
- static void addClient()
- {
- if(!instance) instance=new FGCOMGuard();
- refCount++;
- }
- static void removeClient()
- {
- if(--refCount<0 || !instance) throw "FGGuard Illegal state";
- if(refCount == 0)
- {
- delete instance;
- }
- }
- };
- class DMSupport
- {
- protected:
- static char *findProgram(HKEY baseKey, char *leafPath, char *leafName = "") {
- long res;
- HKEY hk;
- char *exe=NULL;
- if( (res=RegOpenKeyEx(baseKey,leafPath,0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hk))==ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- char *exepath = leafName;
- long pathLen=0;
- if((res=RegQueryValueEx(hk,exepath,0,NULL,NULL,(LPDWORD)&pathLen))==ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- exe=new char[pathLen+1];
- BOOL fileExists=FALSE;
- if((res=RegQueryValueEx(hk,exepath,0,NULL,(LPBYTE)exe,(LPDWORD)&pathLen))==ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- struct stat statbuf;
- fileExists=!stat(exe,&statbuf);
- }
- if(!fileExists) {
- delete exe;
- exe=NULL;
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- }
- return exe;
- }
- static BOOL createProcess(char *commandLine, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi) {
- ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
- si.cb = sizeof(si);
- if(!pi) {
- }
- ZeroMemory(pi, sizeof(pi) );
- BOOL ret=CreateProcess( NULL,
- commandLine, // Command line.
- NULL, // Process handle not inheritable.
- NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable.
- FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE.
- 0, // No creation flags.
- NULL, // Use parent's environment block.
- NULL, // Use parent's starting directory.
- &si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure.
- pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.
- ;
- if(mypi) {
- closeProcess(mypi);
- delete mypi;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static void closeProcess(PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi) {
- CloseHandle( pi->hProcess );
- CloseHandle( pi->hThread );
- }
- public:
- virtual void check(void) = 0;
- virtual void dispatch(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo) = 0;
- virtual const char *getName(void) = 0;
- };
- #define COMCALL(Call) if(hr=FAILED(Call)) throw _com_error(hr)
- #define HELPER(name) FGCOMHelper name(this->getProgId())
- class FGCOMHelper
- {
- private:
- CComDispatchDriver comObj;
- CComPtr<IDispatch> lpTDispatch;
- VARIANT tmpVarStr;
- const char *className;
- void prepareCOMObj() {
- COMCALL(lpTDispatch.CoCreateInstance(_bstr_t(className),NULL));
- comObj=lpTDispatch;
- }
- public:
- void getMemberID(char *memberName, DISPID *dispid) {
- OLECHAR FAR* oleMember=A2OLE(memberName);
- COMCALL(comObj->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &oleMember, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, dispid));
- }
- void invoke(DISPID *dispid, VARIANT *parms, const unsigned int parmsCount) {
- COMCALL(comObj.InvokeN(*dispid,parms,parmsCount,NULL));
- }
- void invoke(DISPID *dispid) {
- COMCALL(comObj.Invoke0(*dispid,NULL));
- }
- void invoke(char *memberName, VARIANT *parms, const unsigned int parmsCount) {
- DISPID dispid;
- getMemberID(memberName,&dispid);
- invoke(&dispid,parms,parmsCount);
- }
- void invoke(char *memberName, _bstr_t parm) {
- tmpVarStr.bstrVal=parm;
- invoke(memberName,&tmpVarStr,1);
- }
- void invoke(char *memberName) {
- invoke(memberName,&tmpVarStr,0);
- }
- IDispatch *getIDispatch() {
- return lpTDispatch;
- }
- void set(char *propertyName, VARIANT *val) {
- LPCOLESTR oleMember=A2COLE(propertyName);
- COMCALL(comObj.PutPropertyByName(oleMember, val));
- }
- void set(char *propertyName, bstr_t val) {
- tmpVarStr.bstrVal=val;
- set(propertyName,&tmpVarStr);
- }
- void get(char *propertyName, VARIANT *val, UINT indexCount) {
- DISPPARAMS dispparams = {indexCount==0?NULL:&(val[1]), NULL, indexCount, 0};
- DISPID dispid;
- getMemberID(propertyName,&dispid);
- COMCALL(lpTDispatch->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL,
- &dispparams, val, NULL, NULL));
- }
- FGCOMHelper(const char *className) {
- this->className=className;
- prepareCOMObj();
- tmpVarStr.vt=VT_BSTR;
- }
- ~FGCOMHelper()
- {
- }
- };
- class DMSupportCOM :
- public DMSupport
- {
- protected:
- virtual const char * getProgId() = 0;
- public:
- DMSupportCOM() {
- FGCOMGuard::addClient();
- }
- void check()
- {
- CLSID clsid;
- COMCALL(CLSIDFromProgID(_bstr_t(getProgId()),&clsid));
- }
- virtual ~DMSupportCOM() {
- FGCOMGuard::removeClient();
- }
- };
- class DMSDownloadAcceleratorPlus:
- public DMSupportCOM
- {
- protected:
- const char * getProgId()
- {
- return "dapie.catcher";
- }
- public:
- const char * getName()
- {
- return "Download Accelerator Plus";
- }
- void dispatch(const DownloadInfo *downloadInfo);
- };